Nigerian legislative Committees Pledge Push for Enactment of Factoring Law

Categories: Press Releases

Cairo, 08 December 2017: – Members of the Banking Committee of the Nigerian Senate and the Banking and Currency Committee of the House of Representatives have pledged to accelerate the enactment of the factoring bill currently in the Nigerian legislature to ensure that it was passed into law by  the first quarter of 2018.

The pledge came during sensitisation meetings on the Model Law on Factoring which the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), together with the Nigerian Export Import Bank (NEXIM) and the Nigeria Factoring Working Group held with the Committees and representatives of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

The sensitisation meetings were facilitated by NEXIM in the context of the work of the Senate and the House of Representatives to achieve reform of the Nigerian financial sector and promote financial inclusion. Afreximbank was invited to hold the sessions as important steps in accelerating the enactment of the bill.

In remarks at the meetings, Kanayo Awani, Managing Director of Afreximbank’s Intra-African Trade Initiative, urged the legislators to use their powers to facilitate factoring as an alternative trade finance instrument  in the country in order to address the difficulties faced by small and medium-sized businesses (SME) in gaining access to finance.

Ms. Awani stated that while SME growth in Nigeria was beyond question, their access to finance, especially from traditional debt and equity sources, remained challenging. That was because SMEs were characterized by poor balance sheets, absence of regular audited financial statements, limited capital, short financial records and inability to provide collaterals.

By instituting an enabling legal framework and adopting the Model Law, .the legislators would help in diversifying and strengthening Nigeria’s financial services sector and would ensure that operators took advantage of the opportunities, thereby attracting necessary investments into the sector, she continued.

Afreximbank and NEXIM are championing the process of engaging with stakeholders to ensure that the factoring law is enacted. Afreximbank provided the resource persons who made presentations on factoring and on the model law, including Peter Mulroy, Secretary General of FCI, the leading factoring and receivables finance association; and David Tatge, from law firm of Epstein, Becker and Green from the United States.

The sensitization meetings in Abuja followed similar awareness creating sessions organised in other intra-African trade hubs namely, Cote D’Ivoire and Kenya. The Model Law on Factoring, sponsored and championed by Afreximbank, was launched in October 2016 on the sidelines of the Annual Meeting of FCI.


Media Contact: Obi Emekekwue (; Tel. +202-2456-4238)


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About Afreximbank:The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) is the foremost pan-African multilateral financial institution devoted to financing and promoting intra- and extra-African trade. The Bank was established in October 1993 by African governments, African private and institutional investors, and non-African investors. Its two basic constitutive documents are the Establishment Agreement, which gives it the status of an international organization, and the Charter, which governs its corporate structure and operations. Since 1994, it has approved more than $51 billion in credit facilities for African businesses, including about $10.3 billion in 2016. Afreximbank had total assets of $11.7 billion as at 31 December 2016 and is rated BBB+ (GCR), Baa1 (Moody’s), and BBB- (Fitch). The Bank is headquartered in Cairo. For more information, visit: